One fact that never entered the mainstream media news cycle connected to Hillary’s email scandal (and most likely never will), is that simple fact that the “lost” emails from Clinton’s private server are not lost at all.
The NSA has all the emails, and was prepared to share them with the FBI, but during the FBI’s “sham” investigation into Hillary’s email server, former director James Comey did not want to hear about it.
The Gateway Pundit reports…
As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election expands, one curious detail in Hillary Clinton’s email probe remains. The “lost” emails from Clinton’s private server aren’t lost — in fact — the NSA has them, but during the FBI’s investigation, Comey didn’t want to hear about it.
The former FBI Director testified to Congress that he decided not to recommended charges in relation to handling of classified information, after the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton on July 2, 2016. However, a new report reveals Comey penned a memo exonerating Clinton in the Spring.
New York Post reports…
Remember, the Republicans now control this committee. So bad news isn’t going to be stifled anymore.
Clinton, you probably remember, “lost” her private emails, which she’d been storing on a personal computer server. Comey chastised her harshly in a televised speech but then said there was a unanimous decision not to recommend prosecution.
Clinton’s emails, which were stolen by the Russians, have never been found. But as I’ve mentioned numerous times, the messages are still in the possession of the National Security Agency (NSA), which offered to give them to the FBI.
Comey turned down that offer, according to a source who has been very reliable.
I’ve also mentioned that Comey fibbed when he said his agents unanimously agreed that prosecution was unnecessary. In fact, my source says that FBI agents were irate about the decision not to go after Clinton.
James Comey’s already shaky reputation was further bludgeoned last week after a memo leaked by US Senators (written by the former FBI Director), showed that Comey exonerated Hillary Clinton of any crime before even investigating the charges.