Intelligence community says Russia will meddle in 2018 elections
On Tuesday, Intelligence agency directors testified at a Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on “Worldwide Threats” that Russia has been meddling in US elections “for years”, and will continue doing...
View ArticleTrump prepares for war as Iraq invasion architect, John Bolton, is appointed...
Is Trump draining the swamp or is the swamp sucking in Trump? Remember this tweet from Donald Trump circa 2013… All former Bush administration officials should have zero standing on Syria. Iraq was a...
View ArticleCreative ways for France to strike back at US spying include asylum to...
We are sure obedient US poodle Hollande will take issue with the US/NSA spy scandal that has hit France. We can’t help but wonder how much dirty stuff the NSA has on Hollande to keep him in line with...
View ArticleWikiLeaks publishes documents of NSA and GCHQ spying on Angela Merkel during...
RELEASE: NSA High Priority Targets For Germany #SelectorList — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) July 1, 2015 WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange… “Today’s...
View ArticleWikileaks: 10 years and 125 phone numbers of top German officials. NSA spying...
At this point, if I was Germany I would look at one of two options… Go back to handwritten notes and documents, no mobile or land line phones, and no computers just typewriters. Nothing electronic...
View ArticleSnowden joins twitter. Tweets, “Can you hear me now?” 93,000 Retweets and...
Can you hear me now? — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) September 29, 2015 The post Snowden joins twitter. Tweets, “Can you hear me now?” 93,000 Retweets and 83,000 Favorites appeared first on The Duran.
View ArticleCIA director met with NSA whistleblower who disputes Russia’s role in DNC hack
(ZeroHedge) – One year ago, we introduced readers to William Binney, a former high-ranking NSA official turned whistleblower with an interesting theory: Binney believes the intelligence community’s...
View Article‘Zero evidence’ that Russia hacked DNC, says NSA whistleblower (VIDEO)
(RT) – NSA whistleblower William Binney spoke to RT about his recent meeting with CIA director Mike Pompeo, where they discussed accusations that Russia meddled in 2016 US presidential election by...
View ArticleHow to instantly prove (or disprove) Russian hacking of U.S. election
(ZeroHedge) – It’s newsworthy that CIA head Mike Pompeo recently met with Bill Binney – who designed the NSA’s electronic surveillance system – about potential proof that the DNC emails were leaked...
View ArticleKaspersky Lab found whopping 122 viruses on NSA employee’s computer
( – translated by RussiaFeed) – Kaspersky Lab has learned that on the computer of an NSA employee, whose data tampering it was accused of in the US, a lot of virus ware were installed. Among...
View ArticleIf you travel to Russia, the US congress thinks you may be a traitor
(Paul Craig Roberts) – Green Party presidential Candidate Jill Stein is being investigated by the Senate Intelligence (sic) Committee for “Russian connections.” What has brought Russiagate to Jill...
View ArticleInformant or spy? How the FBI targeted Donald Trump. Part 1 (Video)
Alex Christoforou with Alexander Mercouris discuss how the FBI, under James Comey, reportedly used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials. How high does...
View ArticleInformant or spy? How the FBI targeted Donald Trump. Part 2 (Video)
The Duran – News in Review – Episode 11. Alex Christoforou with Alexander Mercouris discuss how the FBI used one-time CIA operative Stefan Halper in 2016 as an informant to spy on Trump officials, and...
View ArticleRumors of Edward Snowden being considered a bargaining chip in upcoming...
RT reported Friday evening that Russia has never considered handing Edward Snowden, the former NSA employee turned whistleblower to the United States in exchange for easing sanctions. “I have never...
View ArticleFrom McCain to Brennan, Deep State soft coup against Trump picks up steam...
After Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki, the Deep State smells blood, and is moving quickly to depose of US President Donald Trump. Government officials and mainstream media puppets from left and...
View ArticleJames Clapper rats out his former boss Barack Obama (Video)
All roads in the Trump-Russia witch hunt lead to Barack Obama…at least that is what his former intelligence czar James Clapper admitted to fake news, CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Former Director of National...
View ArticleEdward Snowden: 5 years in Russia and still relevant as ever
TASS reported that August 1 was the five year anniversary of Edward Snowden’s being granted temporary asylum in the Russian Federation. This happened after his release of an enormous trove of...
View ArticleAre the mainstream U.S. ‘news’ media evil?
Eric Zuesse, published originally by The Saker: William Binney, the U.S. National Security Agency’s former technical director for global analysis, has, for the past year, been globe-trotting to...
View ArticleClapper Turns On Brennan: “John And His Rhetoric Have Become An Issue”
Via Zerohedge… Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper threw former CIA Director John Brennan under the bus on Sunday, telling CNN‘s “State of the Union” that “John and his rhetoric have...
View ArticleFighting And Winning Against US Psychological Cyber Warfare
Authored by Lauren Smith: Social media and Google serve three strategic purposes for the U.S. government. First, they allow Washington to conduct espionage; second, they facilitate the spread of...
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